Modules (188)



Adds Find and Replace commands

Originally based on the code in CodeMirror/lib/util/search.js.




If the number of matches exceeds this limit, inline text highlighting and scroll-track tickmarks are disabled

    var FIND_HIGHLIGHT_MAX  = 2000;


Maximum file size to search within (in chars)

    var FIND_MAX_FILE_SIZE  = 500000;


Currently open Find or Find/Replace bar, if any

    var findBar;

    function SearchState() {
        this.searchStartPos = null;
        this.parsedQuery = null;
        this.queryInfo = null;
        this.foundAny = false;
        this.marked = [];
        this.resultSet = [];
        this.matchIndex = -1;
        this.markedCurrent = null;

    function getSearchState(cm) {
        if (!cm._searchState) {
            cm._searchState = new SearchState();
        return cm._searchState;

    function getSearchCursor(cm, state, pos) {
        // Heuristic: if the query string is all lowercase, do a case insensitive search.
        return cm.getSearchCursor(state.parsedQuery, pos, !state.queryInfo.isCaseSensitive);

    function parseQuery(queryInfo) {
        if (findBar) {

        var parsed = FindUtils.parseQueryInfo(queryInfo);
        if (parsed.empty === true) {
            return "";

        if (!parsed.valid) {
            if (findBar) {
            return "";

        return parsed.queryExpr;


Private Public API


Expands each empty range in the selection to the nearest word boundaries. Then, if the primary selection was already a range (even a non-word range), adds the next instance of the contents of that range as a selection.

editor non-nullable Editor
The editor to search in
removePrimary optional boolean
Whether to remove the current primary selection in addition to adding the next one. If true, we add the next match even if the current primary selection is a cursor (we expand it first to determine what to match).
    function _expandWordAndAddNextToSelection(editor, removePrimary) {
        editor = editor || EditorManager.getActiveEditor();
        if (!editor) {

        var selections = editor.getSelections(),
            added = false;

        _.each(selections, function (sel, index) {
            var isEmpty = (CodeMirror.cmpPos(sel.start, sel.end) === 0);
            if (sel.primary) {
                primarySel = sel;
                primaryIndex = index;
                if (!isEmpty) {
                    searchText = editor.document.getRange(primarySel.start, primarySel.end);
            if (isEmpty) {
                var wordInfo = _getWordAt(editor, sel.start);
                sel.start = wordInfo.start;
                sel.end = wordInfo.end;
                if (sel.primary && removePrimary) {
                    // Get the expanded text, even though we're going to remove this selection,
                    // since in this case we still want to select the next match.
                    searchText = wordInfo.text;

        if (searchText && searchText.length) {
            // We store this as a query in the state so that if the user next does a "Find Next",
            // it will use the same query (but throw away the existing selection).
            var state = getSearchState(editor._codeMirror);
            setQueryInfo(state, { query: searchText, isCaseSensitive: false, isRegexp: false });

            // Skip over matches that are already in the selection.
            var searchStart = primarySel.end,
            do {
                nextMatch = _getNextMatch(editor, false, searchStart);
                if (nextMatch) {
                    // This is a little silly, but if we just stick the equivalence test function in here
                    // JSLint complains about creating a function in a loop, even though it's safe in this case.
                    isInSelection = _.find(selections, _.partial(_selEq, nextMatch));
                    searchStart = nextMatch.end;

                    // If we've gone all the way around, then all instances must have been selected already.
                    if (CodeMirror.cmpPos(searchStart, primarySel.end) === 0) {
                        nextMatch = null;
            } while (nextMatch && isInSelection);

            if (nextMatch) {
                nextMatch.primary = true;
                added = true;

        if (removePrimary) {
            selections.splice(primaryIndex, 1);

        if (added) {
            // Center the new match, but avoid scrolling to matches that are already on screen.
            _selectAndScrollTo(editor, selections, true, true);
        } else {
            // If all we did was expand some selections, don't center anything.
            _selectAndScrollTo(editor, selections, false);

    function _skipCurrentMatch(editor) {
        return _expandWordAndAddNextToSelection(editor, true);
Private Public API


Takes the primary selection, expands it to a word range if necessary, then sets the selection to include all instances of that range. Removes all other selections. Does nothing if the selection is not a range after expansion.

    function _findAllAndSelect(editor) {
        editor = editor || EditorManager.getActiveEditor();
        if (!editor) {

        var sel = editor.getSelection(),
            newSelections = [];
        if (CodeMirror.cmpPos(sel.start, sel.end) === 0) {
            sel = _getWordAt(editor, sel.start);
        if (CodeMirror.cmpPos(sel.start, sel.end) !== 0) {
            var searchStart = {line: 0, ch: 0},
                state = getSearchState(editor._codeMirror),
            setQueryInfo(state, { query: editor.document.getRange(sel.start, sel.end), isCaseSensitive: false, isRegexp: false });

            while ((nextMatch = _getNextMatch(editor, false, searchStart, false)) !== null) {
                if (_selEq(sel, nextMatch)) {
                    nextMatch.primary = true;
                searchStart = nextMatch.end;

            // This should find at least the original selection, but just in case...
            if (newSelections.length) {
                // Don't change the scroll position.
                editor.setSelections(newSelections, false);


editor non-nullable Editor
The editor to search in
searchBackwards boolean
true to search backwards
pos optional {line: number, ch: number}
The position to start from. Defaults to the current primary selection's head cursor position.
wrap optional boolean
Whether to wrap the search around if we hit the end of the document. Default true.
Returns: ?{start: {line: number,ch: number},end: {line: number,ch: number}}
The range for the next match, or null if there is no match.
    function _getNextMatch(editor, searchBackwards, pos, wrap) {
        var cm = editor._codeMirror;
        var state = getSearchState(cm);
        var cursor = getSearchCursor(cm, state, pos || editor.getCursorPos(false, searchBackwards ? "start" : "end"));

        state.lastMatch = cursor.find(searchBackwards);
        if (!state.lastMatch && wrap !== false) {
            // If no result found before hitting edge of file, try wrapping around
            cursor = getSearchCursor(cm, state, searchBackwards ? {line: cm.lineCount() - 1} : {line: 0, ch: 0});
            state.lastMatch = cursor.find(searchBackwards);
        if (!state.lastMatch) {
            // No result found, period: clear selection & bail
            cm.setCursor(editor.getCursorPos());  // collapses selection, keeping cursor in place to avoid scrolling
            return null;

        return {start: cursor.from(), end:};
Private Public API


Returns the range of the word surrounding the given editor position. Similar to getWordAt() from CodeMirror.

editor non-nullable Editor
The editor to search in
pos non-nullable {line: number, ch: number}
The position to find a word at.
Returns: {start:{line: number,ch: number},end:{line:number,ch:number},text:string}
The range and content of the found word. If there is no word, start will equal end and the text will be the empty string.
    function _getWordAt(editor, pos) {
        var cm = editor._codeMirror,
            start =,
            end = start,
            line = cm.getLine(pos.line);
        while (start && CodeMirror.isWordChar(line.charAt(start - 1))) {
        while (end < line.length && CodeMirror.isWordChar(line.charAt(end))) {
        return {start: {line: pos.line, ch: start}, end: {line: pos.line, ch: end}, text: line.slice(start, end)};


    function _handleFileChanged() {
        if (findBar) {

    function doReplace(editor, all) {
        var cm = editor._codeMirror,
            state = getSearchState(cm),
            replaceText = findBar.getReplaceText();

        // Do not replace if editor is set to read only
        if (cm.options.readOnly) {

        if (all === null) {
            FindInFilesUI.searchAndReplaceResults(state.queryInfo, editor.document.file, null, replaceText);
        } else if (all) {
            // Delegate to Replace in Files.
            FindInFilesUI.searchAndShowResults(state.queryInfo, editor.document.file, null, replaceText);
        } else {
            cm.replaceSelection(state.queryInfo.isRegexp ? FindUtils.parseDollars(replaceText, state.lastMatch) : replaceText);

            updateResultSet(editor);  // we updated the text, so result count & tickmarks must be refreshed

            if (!state.lastMatch) {
                // No more matches, so destroy find bar

    function replace(editor) {
        // If Replace bar already open, treat the shortcut as a hotkey for the Replace button
        if (findBar && findBar.getOptions().replace && findBar.isReplaceEnabled()) {
            doReplace(editor, false);

        openSearchBar(editor, true);

            .on("doReplace.FindReplace", function (e) {
                doReplace(editor, false);
            .on("doReplaceBatch.FindReplace", function (e) {
                doReplace(editor, true);
            .on("doReplaceAll.FindReplace", function (e) {
                doReplace(editor, null);

    function _launchFind() {
        var editor = EditorManager.getActiveEditor();

        if (editor) {
            // Create a new instance of the search bar UI
            doSearch(editor, false);

    function _findNext() {
        var editor = EditorManager.getActiveEditor();
        if (editor) {

    function _findPrevious() {
        var editor = EditorManager.getActiveEditor();
        if (editor) {
            doSearch(editor, true);

    function _replace() {
        var editor = EditorManager.getActiveEditor();
        if (editor) {

    MainViewManager.on("currentFileChange", _handleFileChanged);

    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_FIND,                   Commands.CMD_FIND,                  _launchFind);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_FIND_NEXT,              Commands.CMD_FIND_NEXT,             _findNext);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_REPLACE,                Commands.CMD_REPLACE,               _replace);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_FIND_PREVIOUS,          Commands.CMD_FIND_PREVIOUS,         _findPrevious);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_FIND_ALL_AND_SELECT,    Commands.CMD_FIND_ALL_AND_SELECT,   _findAllAndSelect);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_ADD_NEXT_MATCH,         Commands.CMD_ADD_NEXT_MATCH,        _expandWordAndAddNextToSelection);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_SKIP_CURRENT_MATCH,     Commands.CMD_SKIP_CURRENT_MATCH,    _skipCurrentMatch);

    // For unit testing
    exports._getWordAt                       = _getWordAt;
    exports._expandWordAndAddNextToSelection = _expandWordAndAddNextToSelection;
    exports._findAllAndSelect                = _findAllAndSelect;


sel1 non-nullable {start: {line: number, ch: number}, end: {line: number, ch: number}}
The first selection to compare
sel2 non-nullable {start: {line: number, ch: number}, end: {line: number, ch: number}}
The second selection to compare
Returns: boolean
true if the selections are equal
    function _selEq(sel1, sel2) {
        return (CodeMirror.cmpPos(sel1.start, sel2.start) === 0 && CodeMirror.cmpPos(sel1.end, sel2.end) === 0);


editor non-nullable Editor
The editor to search in
selections non-nullable Array<{start:{line:number, ch:number}, end:{line:number, ch:number}, primary:boolean, reversed: boolean}>
The selections to set. Must not be empty.
center boolean
Whether to try to center the primary selection vertically on the screen. If false, the selection will still be scrolled into view if it's offscreen, but will not be centered.
preferNoScroll optional boolean
If center is true, whether to avoid scrolling if the hit is in the top half of the screen. Default false.
    function _selectAndScrollTo(editor, selections, center, preferNoScroll) {
        var primarySelection = _.find(selections, function (sel) { return sel.primary; }) || _.last(selections),
            resultVisible = editor.isLineVisible(primarySelection.start.line),
            centerOptions = Editor.BOUNDARY_CHECK_NORMAL;

        if (preferNoScroll && resultVisible) {
            // no need to scroll if the line with the match is in view
            centerOptions = Editor.BOUNDARY_IGNORE_TOP;

        // Make sure the primary selection is fully visible on screen.
        var primary = _.find(selections, function (sel) {
            return sel.primary;
        if (!primary) {
            primary = _.last(selections);

        editor._codeMirror.scrollIntoView({from: primary.start, to: primary.end});
        editor.setSelections(selections, center, centerOptions);


state non-nullable SearchState
The search state that has the array of search result
matchRange non-nullable {from: {line: number, ch: number}, to: {line: number, ch: number}}
the range of current match
searchBackwards non-nullable boolean
true if searching backwards
    function _updateFindBarWithMatchInfo(state, matchRange, searchBackwards) {
        // Bail if there is no result set.
        if (!state.foundAny) {

        if (findBar) {
            if (state.matchIndex === -1) {
                state.matchIndex = _.findIndex(state.resultSet, matchRange);
            } else {
                state.matchIndex = searchBackwards ? state.matchIndex - 1 : state.matchIndex + 1;
                // Adjust matchIndex for modulo wraparound
                state.matchIndex = (state.matchIndex + state.resultSet.length) % state.resultSet.length;

                // Confirm that we find the right matchIndex. If not, then search
                // matchRange in the entire resultSet.
                if (!_.isEqual(state.resultSet[state.matchIndex], matchRange)) {
                    state.matchIndex = _.findIndex(state.resultSet, matchRange);

            console.assert(state.matchIndex !== -1);
            if (state.matchIndex !== -1) {
                // Convert to 1-based by adding one before showing the index.
                                                        state.matchIndex + 1, state.resultSet.length));


Removes the current-match highlight, leaving all matches marked in the generic highlight style

    function clearCurrentMatchHighlight(cm, state) {
        if (state.markedCurrent) {


Clears all match highlights, including the current match

    function clearHighlights(cm, state) {
        cm.operation(function () {
            state.marked.forEach(function (markedRange) {
            clearCurrentMatchHighlight(cm, state);
        state.marked.length = 0;
        state.markedCurrent = null;


        state.resultSet = [];
        state.matchIndex = -1;

    function clearSearch(cm) {
        cm.operation(function () {
            var state = getSearchState(cm);
            if (!state.parsedQuery) {
            setQueryInfo(state, null);

            clearHighlights(cm, state);

    function toggleHighlighting(editor, enabled) {
        // Temporarily change selection color to improve highlighting - see LESS code for details
        if (enabled) {
        } else {

        ScrollTrackMarkers.setVisible(editor, enabled);


If no search pending, opens the Find dialog. If search bar already open, moves to next/prev result (depending on 'searchBackwards')

    function doSearch(editor, searchBackwards) {
        var state = getSearchState(editor._codeMirror);

        if (state.parsedQuery) {
            findNext(editor, searchBackwards);
        } else {
            openSearchBar(editor, false);


Selects the next match (or prev match, if searchBackwards==true) starting from either the current position (if pos unspecified) or the given position (if pos specified explicitly). The starting position need not be an existing match. If a new match is found, sets to state.lastMatch either the regex match result, or simply true for a plain-string match. If no match found, sets state.lastMatch to false.

editor non-nullable Editor
searchBackwards nullable boolean
preferNoScroll nullable boolean
pos nullable Pos
    function findNext(editor, searchBackwards, preferNoScroll, pos) {
        var cm = editor._codeMirror;
        cm.operation(function () {
            var state = getSearchState(cm);
            clearCurrentMatchHighlight(cm, state);

            var nextMatch = _getNextMatch(editor, searchBackwards, pos);
            if (nextMatch) {
                // Update match index indicators - only possible if we have resultSet saved (missing if FIND_MAX_FILE_SIZE threshold hit)
                if (state.resultSet.length) {
                                                {from: nextMatch.start, to: nextMatch.end}, searchBackwards);
                    // Update current-tickmark indicator - only if highlighting enabled (disabled if FIND_HIGHLIGHT_MAX threshold hit)
                    if (state.marked.length) {
                        ScrollTrackMarkers.markCurrent(state.matchIndex);  // _updateFindBarWithMatchInfo() has updated this index

                _selectAndScrollTo(editor, [nextMatch], true, preferNoScroll);

                // Only mark text with "current match" highlight if search bar still open
                if (findBar && !findBar.isClosed()) {
                    // If highlighting disabled, apply both match AND current-match styles for correct appearance
                    var curentMatchClassName = state.marked.length ? "searching-current-match" : "CodeMirror-searching searching-current-match";
                    state.markedCurrent = cm.markText(nextMatch.start, nextMatch.end,
                         { className: curentMatchClassName, startStyle: "searching-first", endStyle: "searching-last" });
            } else {
                cm.setCursor(editor.getCursorPos());  // collapses selection, keeping cursor in place to avoid scrolling
                // (nothing more to do: previous highlights already cleared above)


Called each time the search query field changes. Updates state.parsedQuery (parsedQuery will be falsy if the field was blank OR contained a regexp with invalid syntax). Then calls updateResultSet(), and then jumps to the first matching result, starting from the original cursor position.

editor non-nullable Editor
The editor we're searching in.
state Object
The current query state.
initial boolean
Whether this is the initial population of the query when the search bar opens. In that case, we don't want to change the selection unnecessarily.
    function handleQueryChange(editor, state, initial) {
        setQueryInfo(state, findBar.getQueryInfo());

        if (state.parsedQuery) {
            // 3rd arg: prefer to avoid scrolling if result is anywhere within view, since in this case user
            // is in the middle of typing, not navigating explicitly; viewport jumping would be distracting.
            findNext(editor, false, true, state.searchStartPos);
        } else if (!initial) {
            // Blank or invalid query: just jump back to initial pos

        editor.lastParsedQuery = state.parsedQuery;


Creates a Find bar for the current search session.

editor non-nullable Editor
replace boolean
Whether to show the Replace UI; default false
    function openSearchBar(editor, replace) {
        var cm = editor._codeMirror,
            state = getSearchState(cm);

        // Use the selection start as the searchStartPos. This way if you
        // start with a pre-populated search and enter an additional character,
        // it will extend the initial selection instead of jumping to the next
        // occurrence.
        state.searchStartPos = editor.getCursorPos(false, "start");

        // Prepopulate the search field
        var initialQuery = FindBar.getInitialQuery(findBar, editor);
        if (initialQuery.query === "" && editor.lastParsedQuery !== "") {
            initialQuery.query = editor.lastParsedQuery;

        // Close our previous find bar, if any. (The open() of the new findBar will
        // take care of closing any other find bar instances.)
        if (findBar) {

        // Create the search bar UI (closing any previous find bar in the process)
        findBar = new FindBar({
            multifile: false,
            replace: replace,
            initialQuery: initialQuery.query,
            initialReplaceText: initialQuery.replaceText,
            queryPlaceholder: Strings.FIND_QUERY_PLACEHOLDER

            .on("queryChange.FindReplace", function (e) {
                handleQueryChange(editor, state);
            .on("doFind.FindReplace", function (e, searchBackwards) {
                findNext(editor, searchBackwards);
            .on("close.FindReplace", function (e) {
                editor.lastParsedQuery = state.parsedQuery;
                // Clear highlights but leave search state in place so Find Next/Previous work after closing
                clearHighlights(cm, state);

                // Dispose highlighting UI (important to restore normal selection color as soon as focus goes back to the editor)
                toggleHighlighting(editor, false);

                findBar = null;

        handleQueryChange(editor, state, true);


state SearchState
The state to store the parsed query in
queryInfo {query: string,caseSensitive: boolean,isRegexp: boolean}
The query info object as returned by FindBar.getQueryInfo()
    function setQueryInfo(state, queryInfo) {
        state.queryInfo = queryInfo;
        if (!queryInfo) {
            state.parsedQuery = null;
        } else {
            state.parsedQuery = parseQuery(queryInfo);


Called each time the search query changes or document is modified (via Replace). Updates the match count, match highlights and scrollbar tickmarks. Does not change the cursor pos.

    function updateResultSet(editor) {
        var cm = editor._codeMirror,
            state = getSearchState(cm);

        function indicateHasMatches(numResults) {
            // Make the field red if it's not blank and it has no matches (which also covers invalid regexes)
            findBar.showNoResults(!state.foundAny && findBar.getQueryInfo().query);

            // Navigation buttons enabled if we have a query and more than one match
            findBar.enableNavigation(state.foundAny && numResults > 1);

        cm.operation(function () {
            // Clear old highlights
            if (state.marked) {
                clearHighlights(cm, state);

            if (!state.parsedQuery) {
                // Search field is empty - no results
                state.foundAny = false;

            // Find *all* matches, searching from start of document
            // (Except on huge documents, where this is too expensive)
            var cursor = getSearchCursor(cm, state);
            if (cm.getValue().length <= FIND_MAX_FILE_SIZE) {
                // FUTURE: if last query was prefix of this one, could optimize by filtering last result set
                state.resultSet = [];
                while (cursor.findNext()) {
                    state.resultSet.push(cursor.pos);  // pos is unique obj per search result

                // Highlight all matches if there aren't too many
                if (state.resultSet.length <= FIND_HIGHLIGHT_MAX) {
                    toggleHighlighting(editor, true);

                    state.resultSet.forEach(function (result) {
                             { className: "CodeMirror-searching", startStyle: "searching-first", endStyle: "searching-last" }));
                    var scrollTrackPositions = (result) {
                        return result.from;

                    ScrollTrackMarkers.addTickmarks(editor, scrollTrackPositions);

                // Here we only update find bar with no result. In the case of a match
                // a findNext() call is guaranteed to be followed by this function call,
                // and findNext() in turn calls _updateFindBarWithMatchInfo() to show the
                // match index.
                if (state.resultSet.length === 0) {

                state.foundAny = (state.resultSet.length > 0);

            } else {
                // On huge documents, just look for first match & then stop
                state.foundAny = cursor.findNext();