Aggregates the child edits in the proper data structures.
var addEdits = function (delta) {
edits.push.apply(edits, delta.edits);
moves.push.apply(moves, delta.moves);
queue.push.apply(queue, delta.newElements);
// Start at the root of the current tree.
do {
newElement = queue.pop();
oldElement = oldNodeMap[newElement.tagID];
// Do we need to compare elements?
if (oldElement) {
// Are attributes different?
if (newElement.attributeSignature !== oldElement.attributeSignature) {
// generate attribute edits
edits.push.apply(edits, generateAttributeEdits(oldElement, newElement));
// Has there been a change to this node's immediate children?
if (newElement.childSignature !== oldElement.childSignature) {
addEdits(generateChildEdits(oldElement, oldNodeMap, newElement, newNodeMap));
// If there's a change farther down in the tree, add the children to the queue.
// If not, we can skip that whole subtree.
if (newElement.subtreeSignature !== oldElement.subtreeSignature) {
// This is a new element, so go straight to generating child edits (which will
// create the appropriate Insert edits).
} else {
// If this is the root (html) tag, we need to manufacture an insert for it here,
// because it isn't the child of any other node. The browser-side code doesn't
// care about parentage/positioning in this case, and will handle just setting the
// ID on the existing implied HTML tag in the browser without actually creating it.
if (!newElement.parent) {
type: "elementInsert",
tag: newElement.tag,
tagID: newElement.tagID,
parentID: null,
attributes: newElement.attributes
addEdits(generateChildEdits(null, oldNodeMap, newElement, newNodeMap));
} while (queue.length);
// Special handling for moves: add edits to the beginning of the list so that
// moved nodes are set aside to ensure that they remain available at the time of their
// move.
if (moves.length > 0) {
type: "rememberNodes",
tagIDs: moves
return edits;
// Public API
exports.domdiff = domdiff;
If the old element that we're looking at does not appear in the new DOM, that means it was deleted and we'll create an elementDelete edit.
If the element is in the new DOM, then this will return false and the main loop with either spot this node later on or the element has been moved.
var addElementDelete = function () {
if (!newNodeMap[oldChild.tagID]) {
// We can finalize existing edits relative to this node *before* it's
// deleted.
finalizeNewEdits(oldChild.tagID, true);
newEdit = {
type: "elementDelete",
tagID: oldChild.tagID
// deleted element means we need to move on to compare the next
// of the old tree with the one from the current tree that we
// just compared
return true;
return false;
If the current element was not in the old DOM, then we will create an elementInsert edit for it.
If the element was in the old DOM, this will return false and the main loop will either spot this element later in the child list or the element has been moved.
var addElementInsert = function () {
if (!oldNodeMap[newChild.tagID]) {
newEdit = {
type: "elementInsert",
tag: newChild.tag,
tagID: newChild.tagID,
parentID: newChild.parent.tagID,
attributes: newChild.attributes
// This newly inserted node needs to have edits generated for its
// children, so we add it to the queue.
// A textInsert edit that follows this elementInsert should use
// this element's ID.
textAfterID = newChild.tagID;
// new element means we need to move on to compare the next
// of the current tree with the one from the old tree that we
// just compared
return true;
return false;
Adds an elementMove edit if the parent has changed between the old and new trees. These are fairly infrequent and generally occur if you make a change across tag boundaries.
var addElementMove = function () {
// This check looks a little strange, but it suits what we're trying
// to do: as we're walking through the children, a child node that has moved
// from one parent to another will be found but would look like some kind
// of insert. The check that we're doing here is looking up the current
// child's ID in the *old* map and seeing if this child used to have a
// different parent.
var possiblyMovedElement = oldNodeMap[newChild.tagID];
if (possiblyMovedElement &&
newParent.tagID !== getParentID(possiblyMovedElement)) {
newEdit = {
type: "elementMove",
tagID: newChild.tagID,
parentID: newChild.parent.tagID
// this element in the new tree was a move to this spot, so we can move
// on to the next child in the new tree.
return true;
return false;
Adds a textDelete edit for text node that is not in the new tree. Note that we actually create a textReplace rather than a textDelete if the previous node in current tree was a text node. We do this because text nodes are not individually addressable and a delete event would end up clearing out both that previous text node that we want to keep and this text node that we want to eliminate. Instead, we just log a textReplace which will result in the deletion of this node and the maintaining of the old content.
var addTextDelete = function () {
var prev = prevNode();
if (prev && !prev.children) {
newEdit = {
type: "textReplace",
content: prev.content
} else {
newEdit = {
type: "textDelete"
// When elements are deleted or moved from the old set of children, you
// can end up with multiple text nodes in a row. A single textReplace edit
// will take care of those (and will contain all of the right content since
// the text nodes between elements in the new DOM are merged together).
// The check below looks to see if we're already in the process of adding
// a textReplace edit following the same element.
var previousEdit = newEdits.length > 0 && newEdits[newEdits.length - 1];
if (previousEdit && previousEdit.type === "textReplace" &&
previousEdit.afterID === textAfterID) {
newEdit.parentID = oldChild.parent.tagID;
// If there was only one child previously, we just pass along
// textDelete/textReplace with the parentID and the browser will
// clear all of the children
if (oldChild.parent.children.length === 1) {
} else {
if (textAfterID) {
newEdit.afterID = textAfterID;
// This text appeared in the old tree but not the new one, so we
// increment the old children counter.
Adds a textInsert edit for a newly created text node.
var addTextInsert = function () {
newEdit = {
type: "textInsert",
content: newChild.content,
parentID: newChild.parent.tagID
// text changes will generally have afterID and beforeID, but we make
// special note if it's the first child.
if (textAfterID) {
newEdit.afterID = textAfterID;
} else {
newEdit.firstChild = true;
// The text node is in the new tree, so we move to the next new tree item
Generate a list of edits that will mutate oldNode to look like newNode. Currently, there are the following possible edit operations:
function domdiff(oldNode, newNode) {
var queue = [],
edits = [],
moves = [],
oldNodeMap = oldNode ? oldNode.nodeMap : {},
newNodeMap = newNode.nodeMap;
We initially put new edit objects into the newEdits
array so that we
can fix them up with proper positioning information. This function is
responsible for doing that fixup.
The beforeID
that appears in many edits tells the browser to make the
change before the element with the given ID. In other words, an
elementInsert with a beforeID
of 32 would result in something like
parentElement.insertBefore(newChildElement, _queryBracketsID(32))
Many new edits are captured in the newEdits
array so that a suitable
can be added to them before they are added to the main edits
list. This function sets the beforeID
on any pending edits and adds
them to the main list.
If this item is not being deleted, then it will be used as the afterID
for text edits that follow.
var finalizeNewEdits = function (beforeID, isBeingDeleted) {
newEdits.forEach(function (edit) {
// elementDeletes don't need any positioning information
if (edit.type !== "elementDelete") {
edit.beforeID = beforeID;
edits.push.apply(edits, newEdits);
newEdits = [];
// If the item we made this set of edits relative to
// is being deleted, we can't use it as the afterID for future
// edits. It's okay to just keep the previous afterID, since
// this node will no longer be in the tree by the time we get
// to any future edit that needs an afterID.
if (!isBeingDeleted) {
textAfterID = beforeID;
function generateAttributeEdits(oldNode, newNode) {
// shallow copy the old attributes object so that we can modify it
var oldAttributes = $.extend({}, oldNode.attributes),
newAttributes = newNode.attributes,
edits = [];
Object.keys(newAttributes).forEach(function (attributeName) {
if (oldAttributes[attributeName] !== newAttributes[attributeName]) {
var type = oldAttributes.hasOwnProperty(attributeName) ? "attrChange" : "attrAdd";
type: type,
tagID: oldNode.tagID,
attribute: attributeName,
value: newAttributes[attributeName]
delete oldAttributes[attributeName];
Object.keys(oldAttributes).forEach(function (attributeName) {
type: "attrDelete",
tagID: oldNode.tagID,
attribute: attributeName
return edits;
var generateChildEdits = function (oldParent, oldNodeMap, newParent, newNodeMap) {
function getParentID(node) {
return node.parent && node.parent.tagID;
Looks to see if the element in the old tree has moved by checking its current and former parents.
var hasMoved = function (oldChild) {
var oldChildInNewTree = newNodeMap[oldChild.tagID];
return oldChild.children && oldChildInNewTree && getParentID(oldChild) !== getParentID(oldChildInNewTree);
// Loop through the current and old children, comparing them one by one.
while (newIndex < newChildren.length && oldIndex < oldChildren.length) {
newChild = newChildren[newIndex];
// Check to see if the currentChild has been reparented from somewhere
// else in the old tree
if (newChild.children && addElementMove()) {
oldChild = oldChildren[oldIndex];
// Check to see if the oldChild has been moved to another parent.
// If it has, we deal with it on the other side (see above)
if (hasMoved(oldChild)) {
if (newChild.isElement() || oldChild.isElement()) {
if (newChild.isElement() && oldChild.isText()) {
// If this element is new, add it and move to the next child
// in the current tree. Otherwise, we'll compare this same
// current element with the next old element on the next pass
// through the loop.
} else if (oldChild.isElement() && newChild.isText()) {
// If the old child has *not* been deleted, we assume that we've
// inserted some text and will still encounter the old node
if (!addElementDelete()) {
// both children are elements
} else {
if (newChild.tagID !== oldChild.tagID) {
// First, check to see if we're deleting an element.
// If we are, get rid of that element and restart our comparison
// logic with the same element from the new tree and the next one
// from the old tree.
if (!addElementDelete()) {
// Since we're not deleting and these elements don't match up, we
// must have a new element. Add an elementInsert (and log a problem
// if no insert works.)
if (!addElementInsert()) {
console.error("HTML Instrumentation: This should not happen. Two elements have different tag IDs and there was no insert/delete. This generally means there was a reordering of elements.");
// There has been no change in the tag we're looking at.
} else {
// Since this element hasn't moved, it is a suitable "beforeID"
// for the edits we've logged.
finalizeNewEdits(oldChild.tagID, false);
// We know we're comparing two texts. Just match up their signatures.
} else {
if (newChild.textSignature !== oldChild.textSignature) {
newEdit = {
type: "textReplace",
content: newChild.content,
parentID: newChild.parent.tagID
if (textAfterID) {
newEdit.afterID = textAfterID;
// Either we've done a text replace or both sides matched. In either
// case we're ready to move forward among both the old and new children.
// At this point, we've used up all of the children in at least one of the
// two sets of children.
Finds the previous child of the new tree.
var prevNode = function () {
if (newIndex > 0) {
return newParent.children[newIndex - 1];
return null;
Adds elements to the queue for generateChildEdits. Only elements (and not text nodes) are added. New nodes (ones that aren't in the old nodeMap), are not added here because they will be added when generateChildEdits creates the elementInsert edit.
var queuePush = function (node) {
if (node.children && oldNodeMap[node.tagID]) {