A list of tags whose start causes any of a given set of immediate parent tags to close. This mostly comes from the HTML5 spec section on omitted close tags: http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/syntax.html#optional-tags This doesn't handle general content model violations.
var openImpliesClose = {
li : { li: true },
dt : { dd: true, dt: true },
dd : { dd: true, dt: true },
address : { p: true },
article : { p: true },
aside : { p: true },
blockquote : { p: true },
colgroup: { caption: true },
details : { p: true },
dir : { p: true },
div : { p: true },
dl : { p: true },
fieldset: { p: true },
figcaption: { p: true },
figure : { p: true },
footer : { p: true },
form : { p: true },
h1 : { p: true },
h2 : { p: true },
h3 : { p: true },
h4 : { p: true },
h5 : { p: true },
h6 : { p: true },
header : { p: true },
hgroup : { p: true },
hr : { p: true },
main : { p: true },
menu : { p: true },
nav : { p: true },
ol : { p: true },
p : { p: true },
pre : { p: true },
section : { p: true },
table : { p: true },
ul : { p: true },
rb : { rb: true, rt: true, rtc: true, rp: true },
rp : { rb: true, rt: true, rp: true },
rt : { rb: true, rt: true, rp: true },
rtc : { rb: true, rt: true, rtc: true, rp: true },
optgroup: { optgroup: true, option: true },
option : { option: true },
tbody : { caption: true, colgroup: true, thead: true, tbody: true, tfoot: true },
tfoot : { caption: true, colgroup: true, thead: true, tbody: true },
thead : { caption: true, colgroup: true },
tr : { tr: true, th: true, td: true, caption: true },
th : { th: true, td: true },
td : { th: true, td: true },
body : { head: true }
A list of elements which are automatically closed when their parent is closed: http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/syntax.html#optional-tags
var optionalClose = {
html: true,
body: true,
li: true,
dd: true,
dt: true, // This is not actually correct, but showing a syntax error is not helpful
p: true,
rb: true,
rt: true,
rtc: true,
rp: true,
optgroup: true,
option: true,
colgroup: true,
caption: true,
tbody: true,
tfoot: true,
tr: true,
td: true,
th: true
// TODO: handle optional start tags
A list of tags that are self-closing (do not contain other elements). Mostly taken from http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/syntax.html#void-elements
var voidElements = {
area: true,
base: true,
basefont: true,
br: true,
col: true,
command: true,
embed: true,
frame: true,
hr: true,
img: true,
input: true,
isindex: true,
keygen: true,
link: true,
menuitem: true,
meta: true,
param: true,
source: true,
track: true,
wbr: true
function _addPos(pos1, pos2) {
return {line: pos1.line + pos2.line, ch: (pos2.line === 0 ? pos1.ch + pos2.ch : pos2.ch)};
function _dumpDOM(root) {
var result = "",
indent = "";
function walk(node) {
if (node.tag) {
result += indent + "TAG " + node.tagID + " " + node.tag + " " + JSON.stringify(node.attributes) + "\n";
} else {
result += indent + "TEXT " + (node.tagID || "- ") + node.content + "\n";
if (node.isElement()) {
indent += " ";
indent = indent.slice(2);
return result;
// Public API
exports.build = build;
exports.Builder = Builder;
exports.SimpleNode = SimpleNode;
// Private API
exports._dumpDOM = _dumpDOM;
exports._offsetPos = _offsetPos;
exports._getTextNodeID = getTextNodeID;
exports._seed = seed;
function _offsetPos(pos, offset) {
return {line: pos.line, ch: pos.ch + offset};
Builds a SimpleDOM from the text provided. If strict
mode is true, parsing
will halt as soon as any error is seen and null will be returned.
function build(text, strict) {
var builder = new Builder(text);
return builder.build(strict);
function getTextNodeID(textNode) {
var childIndex = textNode.parent.children.indexOf(textNode);
if (childIndex === 0) {
return textNode.parent.tagID + ".0";
return textNode.parent.children[childIndex - 1].tagID + "t";
A SimpleNode represents one node in a SimpleDOM tree. Each node can have
any set of properties on it, though there are a couple of assumptions made.
Elements will have children
and attributes
properties. Text nodes will have a content
property. All Elements will have a tagID
and text nodes can have one.
function SimpleNode(properties) {
$.extend(this, properties);
SimpleNode.prototype = {
Is this node an element node?
isElement: function () {
return !!this.children;
Is this node a text node?
isText: function () {
return !this.children;
Updates signatures used to optimize the number of comparisons done during diffing. This is important to call if you change:
update: function () {
if (this.isElement()) {
var i,
subtreeHashes = "",
childHashes = "",
for (i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
child = this.children[i];
if (child.isElement()) {
childHashes += String(child.tagID);
subtreeHashes += String(child.tagID) + child.attributeSignature + child.subtreeSignature;
} else {
childHashes += child.textSignature;
subtreeHashes += child.textSignature;
this.childSignature = MurmurHash3.hashString(childHashes, childHashes.length, seed);
this.subtreeSignature = MurmurHash3.hashString(subtreeHashes, subtreeHashes.length, seed);
} else {
this.textSignature = MurmurHash3.hashString(this.content, this.content.length, seed);
Updates the signature of this node's attributes. Call this after making attribute changes.
updateAttributeSignature: function () {
var attributeString = JSON.stringify(this.attributes);
this.attributeSignature = MurmurHash3.hashString(attributeString, attributeString.length, seed);
A Builder creates a SimpleDOM tree of SimpleNode objects representing the "important" contents of an HTML document. It does not include things like comments. The nodes include information about their position in the text provided.
function Builder(text, startOffset, startOffsetPos) {
this.stack = [];
this.text = text;
this.t = new Tokenizer(text);
this.currentTag = null;
this.startOffset = startOffset || 0;
this.startOffsetPos = startOffsetPos || {line: 0, ch: 0};
Builder.prototype._logError = function (token) {
var error = { token: token },
startPos = token ? (token.startPos || token.endPos) : this.startOffsetPos,
endPos = token ? token.endPos : this.startOffsetPos;
error.startPos = _addPos(this.startOffsetPos, startPos);
error.endPos = _addPos(this.startOffsetPos, endPos);
if (!this.errors) {
this.errors = [];
Builds the SimpleDOM.
Builder.prototype.build = function (strict, markCache) {
var self = this;
var token, lastClosedTag, lastTextNode;
var stack = this.stack;
var attributeName = null;
var nodeMap = {};
markCache = markCache || {};
// Start timers for building full and partial DOMs.
// Appropriate timer is used, and the other is discarded.
var timerBuildFull = "HTMLInstr. Build DOM Full";
var timerBuildPart = "HTMLInstr. Build DOM Partial";
var timers; // timer handles
timers = PerfUtils.markStart([timerBuildFull, timerBuildPart]);
timerBuildFull = timers[0];
timerBuildPart = timers[1];
function closeTag(endIndex, endPos) {
lastClosedTag = stack[stack.length - 1];
lastClosedTag.end = self.startOffset + endIndex;
lastClosedTag.endPos = _addPos(self.startOffsetPos, endPos);
while ((token = this.t.nextToken()) !== null) {
// lastTextNode is used to glue text nodes together
// If the last node we saw was text but this one is not, then we're done gluing.
// If this node is a comment, we might still encounter more text.
if (token.type !== "text" && token.type !== "comment" && lastTextNode) {
lastTextNode = null;
if (token.type === "error") {
PerfUtils.finalizeMeasurement(timerBuildFull); // discard
PerfUtils.addMeasurement(timerBuildPart); // use
return null;
} else if (token.type === "opentagname") {
var newTagName = token.contents.toLowerCase(),
if (openImpliesClose.hasOwnProperty(newTagName)) {
var closable = openImpliesClose[newTagName];
while (stack.length > 0 && closable.hasOwnProperty(stack[stack.length - 1].tag)) {
// Close the previous tag at the start of this tag.
// Adjust backwards for the < before the tag name.
closeTag(token.start - 1, _offsetPos(token.startPos, -1));
newTag = new SimpleNode({
tag: token.contents.toLowerCase(),
children: [],
attributes: {},
parent: (stack.length ? stack[stack.length - 1] : null),
start: this.startOffset + token.start - 1,
startPos: _addPos(this.startOffsetPos, _offsetPos(token.startPos, -1)) // ok because we know the previous char was a "<"
newTag.tagID = this.getID(newTag, markCache);
// During undo in particular, it's possible that tag IDs may be reused and
// the marks in the document may be misleading. If a tag ID has been reused,
// we apply a new tag ID to ensure that our edits come out correctly.
if (nodeMap[newTag.tagID]) {
newTag.tagID = this.getNewID();
nodeMap[newTag.tagID] = newTag;
if (newTag.parent) {
this.currentTag = newTag;
if (voidElements.hasOwnProperty(newTag.tag)) {
// This is a self-closing element.
} else {
} else if (token.type === "opentagend" || token.type === "selfclosingtag") {
// TODO: disallow <p/>?
if (this.currentTag) {
if (token.type === "selfclosingtag" && stack.length && stack[stack.length - 1] === this.currentTag) {
// This must have been a self-closing tag that we didn't identify as a void element
// (e.g. an SVG tag). Pop it off the stack as if we had encountered its close tag.
closeTag(token.end, token.endPos);
} else {
// We're ending an open tag. Record the end of the open tag as the end of the
// range. (If we later find a close tag for this tag, the end will get overwritten
// with the end of the close tag. In the case of a self-closing tag, we should never
// encounter that.)
// Note that we don't need to update the signature here because the signature only
// relies on the tag name and ID, and isn't affected by the tag's attributes, so
// the signature we calculated when creating the tag is still the same. If we later
// find a close tag for this tag, we'll update the signature to account for its
// children at that point (in the next "else" case).
this.currentTag.end = this.startOffset + token.end;
this.currentTag.endPos = _addPos(this.startOffsetPos, token.endPos);
lastClosedTag = this.currentTag;
this.currentTag = null;
} else if (token.type === "closetag") {
// If this is a self-closing element, ignore the close tag.
var closeTagName = token.contents.toLowerCase();
if (!voidElements.hasOwnProperty(closeTagName)) {
// Find the topmost item on the stack that matches. If we can't find one, assume
// this is just a dangling closing tag and ignore it.
var i;
for (i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (stack[i].tag === closeTagName) {
if (i >= 0) {
do {
// For all tags we're implicitly closing (before we hit the matching tag), we want the
// implied end to be the beginning of the close tag (which is two characters, "</", before
// the start of the tagname). For the actual tag we're explicitly closing, we want the
// implied end to be the end of the close tag (which is one character, ">", after the end of
// the tagname).
if (stack.length === i + 1) {
closeTag(token.end + 1, _offsetPos(token.endPos, 1));
} else {
if (strict && !optionalClose.hasOwnProperty(stack[stack.length - 1].tag)) {
// If we're in strict mode, treat unbalanced tags as invalid.
return null;
closeTag(token.start - 2, _offsetPos(token.startPos, -2));
} while (stack.length > i);
} else {
// If we're in strict mode, treat unmatched close tags as invalid. Otherwise
// we just silently ignore them.
if (strict) {
return null;
} else if (token.type === "attribname") {
attributeName = token.contents.toLowerCase();
// Set the value to the empty string in case this is an empty attribute. If it's not,
// it will get overwritten by the attribvalue later.
this.currentTag.attributes[attributeName] = "";
} else if (token.type === "attribvalue" && attributeName !== null) {
this.currentTag.attributes[attributeName] = token.contents;
attributeName = null;
} else if (token.type === "text") {
if (stack.length) {
var parent = stack[stack.length - 1];
var newNode;
// Check to see if we're continuing a previous text.
if (lastTextNode) {
newNode = lastTextNode;
newNode.content += token.contents;
} else {
newNode = new SimpleNode({
parent: stack[stack.length - 1],
content: token.contents
newNode.tagID = getTextNodeID(newNode);
nodeMap[newNode.tagID] = newNode;
lastTextNode = newNode;
// If we have any tags hanging open, fail the parse if we're in strict mode,
// otherwise close them at the end of the document.
while (stack.length) {
if (strict && !optionalClose.hasOwnProperty(stack[stack.length - 1].tag)) {
return null;
closeTag(this.text.length, this.t._indexPos);
var dom = lastClosedTag;
if (!dom) {
// This can happen if the document has no nontrivial content, or if the user tries to
// have something at the root other than the HTML tag. In all such cases, we treat the
// document as invalid.
return null;
dom.nodeMap = nodeMap;
PerfUtils.addMeasurement(timerBuildFull); // use
PerfUtils.finalizeMeasurement(timerBuildPart); // discard
return dom;